Sunday, August 29, 2010

Geysir eruption / Gos í Strokki

From Summer 2010

Fleiri myndir af Strokk og af fuglum, blómum og landslagi í albúminu hér að ofan.
More pictures of geysir eruption and flowers, birds, and landscape in the album above.

Lýsing á gosi í Strokk og hverum hér.
Description of geysir erutpion here.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

France drains lake under glacier / Til stendur að dæla vatni undan jökli í Frakklandi

"French engineers are set to drain a lake that has formed under a glacier on Mont Blanc, and which threatens to flood a valley below."

The lake, which is said to contain 65,000 cubic metres (2.3m cubic ft) of water, was discovered last month during routine checks.
The engineers plan to dig a hole into the ice and pump the water away.
Vatni sem safnast hefur undir jökli á Mont Blanc verður dælt upp úr því ef áætlanir ganga eftir.
Map of France showing location of Mont Blanc
Image from the BBC web site (see link above).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hitafrávik í júlí 2010 / Temperature anomaly in July 2010

Þessi mynd, frá NASA Earth Observatory, sýnir hitafrávik í júlí 2010 miðað við sama mánuð árin 1951 til 1980.
Hnattrænt var hitinn um 0.55°C hærri og jafnaði nánast hitametið, með árunum 1998 og 2005.


This image, from NASA Earth Observatory, shows the temperature anomaly for July 2010, compared to the average for the same month in 1951 to 1980. 

Globally the temperature was about 0.55°C higher than the mean, and practically as high as the highest years on record,1998 and 2005.